Happy September! Did you know that September is National Honey Month? Honey, one of the oldest foods documented to be harvested, is just as nutritious and versatile as it is sweet and delicious. Check out some of these buzzin’ honey facts:

  • Honey never expires.

Honey does not expire if stored in an airtight container. A pot of honey was discovered in consumable condition in King Tut’s tomb.

  • Honey alone can completely sustain human diets.

Honey contains all the necessary vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water to sustain life; and it’s the only food that contains “Pinocembrin”, an antioxidant linked to improved brain function. Keep your brains buzzin’!

  • Honey has many health benefits.

Propolis, produced by bees and found in honey, is one of the world’s most powerful antibiotics. When employed properly, honey can even be used to treat minor wounds, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Consuming honey has also long been prescribed for treating seasonal allergies, sore throats, and coughing.

  • Honey differs in flavor and color.

Different bee species, pollen sources, regions, and other conditions can affect the flavor, color, and overall potency of honey. Usually correlating with color, a light honey will taste milder. Meanwhile, darker honey boasts a more robust taste. Common varieties of honey found in Texas include white brush, wildflower, alfalfa, blueberry, and cotton.

  • Honey is used as a sweetener in many breads and baked goods.

At the Bakehouse, we use local honey in some of these, our favorite goodies:

  • Organic Honey Wheat Bread, made with only 4 ingredients: regeneratively grown whole wheat flour, honey, olive oil, and salt.
  • Baklava: a flaky pastry featuring honey and pecans.
  • Bakehouse Gingerbread men: Made with cinnamon & Texas honey – perfect for the holidays which are just around the corner!
  • Pfeffernüsse: Cookies baked with a honey dough and pecans, rolled in a good helping of powdered sugar. A traditionally German recipe, also popular as a holiday treat.

As sweet as honey is to the taste, so is wisdom to the soul! Do the wise thing and buzz on over to the Bakehouse to enjoy these goodies and grab a jar of our raw local honey that we have for sale.

Our baklava is made with raw local honey!