This Thursday, February 18th, we will be closing early at 5 p.m. This is a special event that we are inviting you to as well! The speaker Tim Barton from the organization Wallbuilders is coming to speak at Fellowship of Montgomery on Thursday night at 6 p.m. This is a great opportunity to hear a speaker that travels around the country to share his wisdom. He is speaking on current issues occurring in America today. We are closing early, so our employees can attend this event to give them the opportunity to hear a speaker that is knowledgeable on current events and has relevant answers. He will also be looking at results of different policies that have been implemented and why they d+o or do not work. It is so important to stay up to date with what is happening in our government and to learn the facts behind every current issue. We want to not only give our employees that opportunity, but to also extend the invitation to you as well. Wallbuilders is an organization that seeks to educate people on current issues, and what the founding fathers had to say about them through examining original quotes and original documents. This is an organization that we as a family support and appreciate everything they do. You can learn more about the work that Wallbuilders does here. The address of Fellowship of Montgomery is 12681 fm 149 Rd. Montgomery, Tx 77316. The event will be on our Facebook page for you to check out and share with your friends. There will also be desserts from the Bakehouse at the event, so if
you stop by the bakery for some desserts, just head over to the church to get some and listen to an awesome speaker. You can call to leave us a message, and we will get back to you on Friday morning. Our number is 936-756-1745. We will be open normal hours for the rest of the week. We would love for you to join us on Thursday at 6 p.m.