The Super Bowl is officially two days away, and what is a Super Bowl party without Montgomery Bakehouse
sweets? We have everything to fit your game day needs. Be sure to come in to pick up a Super Bowl cake, individual football cakes, football cupcakes, football cookies, and other delicious goodies for the big game. We have special plaques that have both teams’ names and logos, as well as the Super Bowl 50 logo. We can put these on your cake to make it extra exciting, or we can put them on any dessert that you would like! No matter who your Super Bowl pick is, we have just the right treats for you. We also have football trays that are perfect to put brownies, cakeballs, homestyle cookies, or some Peyton Manning or Cam Newton cookies in! These trays are only $2.00 extra, and can fit whatever football treats that you want! This Super Bowl is sure to be a memorable one because of the fact that the Panthers are a very good team and because it is rumored that this could be Peyton Manning’s last game. Because of this, it is even more important for you to watch this historical game and for you to snack on some pastries while you are at it. You can give us a call at 936-756-1745 to place your cake
order to be picked up Saturday, or you can come by and pick out what we have in the store. The Super Bowl is a special time to spend time with friends and family, and it is a time to make unforgettable
memories cheering on your preferred team. Although football can sometimes bring out the best and the worst in people depending on if your team wins or not, each Super Bowl will always hold a special meaning as you think back on all of the memories made during each game. We want to be apart of all of your special memories, so don’t forget to pick up your Super Bowl desserts this weekend before the big game.